Springtime river's high water rises to sea level. Bright moon emerges from sea along with tide.

Collaborative project by Qianhui Wan and Yuxiao Wang.


From ancient pictographs to today's fusion of text and graphics, the written word has cycled from complexity to simplicity and back. The functionality of text persists, evolving for deeper visual and emotional expression. Using graphical text, we recreate the sentiments of spring and lovesickness from the famous ancient Chinese poem "The Moonlit Night of Spring Flowers." This exploration delves into text expressiveness in terms of both readability and visual impact.



The feature of the project was a 1 minute animation demonstrate the poem.

It starts with a motion illustration of the big scene. As the camera zooms in, the elements start to transform into characters, and they will form the poem in the end.

thumbnail of the opening scene


concept illustration

After Effects

All the elements from the illustration had been exported as png. separately, so we can animate them by adding rigs in After Effects.


Part of the project showcasing the transition from pictograph to modern form of Chinese characters.

The four characters — 潮(tide), 月(moon), 海(ocean), 生(live) — were chosen from the poem "The Moonlit Night of Spring Flowers," and were the four key elements in this scene.

潮 Tide

海 Ocean

月 Moon

生 Live

Besides the four main characters, we also selected ten other images as auxiliary text-pictograph elements to present around.


An interactive session has also been added to allow visitors to participate in the exhibition.

We split the pictographs and their corresponding characters from the looping gifs into components and made them as wood stamps using laser cutting. We also printed cards in riso with our word marks on them.

The audience could combine characters by preference and create their own cards as take-away items.


For wardmark, we chose to work with the Chinese character 春(spring), which is also the title of our project.

It turns out that the previous design might be too complicated and literal, which cannot express our concept the best. So we determined to make a concise but more graphic.

the thumbnail selected

refined digital draft

The first draft is 春 formed by "SPRING"‘s alphabets, and using green colors to match the theme.

thumbnails for the wordmark

final wordmark


The poster that were posted next to the entrence, to give a brief introduction of the project to the audience.


The project will be exhibited in the Media Gallery on the 2nd floor at ECU, as part of the 12th Type Museum.

The main components was the four looping gifs and the feature animation, showcased on the walls using projectors.

In the middle of the room, interactive wood stamps and other take away items were displayed on the wood stand.



WW2 Morphine Tartrate Explainer Video


BURIED STARS Title Sequence